• Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    1-month-old Grace takes hours to breastfeed I am breastfeeding my month-old daughter, Grace, and she takes hours to breastfeed but still seems hungry. At 7am she takes 1-2 hours. The 10am feed lasts another hour and at 11.30am she keeps on feeding or will fall asleep for 10 minutes. She will happily feed all afternoon and again at 6pm. She does not sleep during the day unless she falls asleep on the breast. The 11pm feed can last an hour and this happens again at 3am. Sometimes she will settle back until 6-7am but other nights she wakes wanting more. Grace also screams all the time unless she is feeding…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My 4-and-a-half week old woke at 9pm and put the schedule out My daughter Grace woke up for the first time last night at 9pm. She is four and half weeks and was due a feed at 10.30pm. Gina mentions in CBB (p.83) that around this time they come into a light sleep and noise can affect them. My husband and I were both asleep at the time, so we’re not sure what woke her up. Maybe it was outside noise, but she couldn’t be settled back to sleep after 20 minutes, so I gave her a half feed (I’m breastfeeding) which did the trick. We then woke her at…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My 3-week-old baby is awake at night and only sleeps well in the day Lowri will not settle in the evening but wants to feed on and off between 9.30 and midnight (or beyond). She then sleeps and wakes for a feed between 2am and 4am. After this she is wide awake until 6.30/7.30am when she falls deeply asleep for hours. She is impossible to wake up. I try and wake her by stripping her off, putting her under the baby gym and rattling toys at her, but it only results in a few seconds awake time before falling asleep again. She then doesn’t sleep well in the afternoon. It…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My 7 week baby is not hungry but he’s not gaining weight Sam’s weight gain has been poor, but he remains a very contented baby who does not appear to be hungry between feed times. He settles well for his naps and at night. He usually needs to be woken for a feed. This week he has just started to sleep through until 6-7am. He is just 7 weeks old. He had regained his birth weight (9lbs 13ozs) at 4-5 weeks with a weight gain of 14ozs, but in the two weeks following he has only gained 5.5ozs. His present weight is 10 lbs 12 ozs. I initially breast fed…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    At 7 weeks my baby sleeps through, but is waking at 6am Callum slept through from his 10.30pm feed until 7am for the first time a few days ago. He had woken and grizzled for a short spell at 4.30/5am but settled himself back again. Since then he has managed to get to 6am but then wakes and is genuinely hungry. Is there any way to get him through to 7am? I also struggle to get him to wait for his 10.30am feed. I use a dummy to distract and calm him (as I do at 6pm to hold him off until after his bath), but I am concerned that…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    Should I increase my supply to cope with growth spurts at 3 weeks? As a mother of a 3-week-old old baby I am not sure if my milk supply is low and if I need to undertake your plan for increased milk supply. I express the 10pm feed, and always get the following from each breast: left 1 3/4 oz, right 2 1/4 oz. The last few days my daughter hasn’t slept during the 9am sleep, and is not feeding well from the 7am feed. So I decided to express from both breasts and let my husband feed her. I expressed the following this morning: left 1 3/4 oz, right…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My 4-week-old only manages to go three hours between feeds in the night My 4-week-old baby is really struggling to last longer than 3 hours between feeds at night time. He seems to be able to cope during the day, but at night he barely lasts 3 hours. He feeds very well and is gaining weight at the appropriate rate. He is currently on the CLB 4-6 week schedule and is consuming up to 720 ml a day. I should add that he was born at 37.4 weeks: can this be the cause for him not being able to last longer between feeds? Also, the CLB book provides guidelines on…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My breast-fed son of 6.5-weeks-old seems to be gaining weight too fast I am concerned my son is gaining too much weight but as he is mostly breastfed I have no idea how much he is consuming. Since regaining his birth weight by 2 weeks he’s been gaining an average of a pound a week, which seems excessive to me. How do I control his intake when he’s breastfeeding? All his feeds are in line with the routines ,although I am not able to push the timings of the 10am and 5pm feeds back. He does sleep a little more than he should in the afternoons but he sleeps well…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    How can I get my 3.5-week-old into the routines as well as caring for my twins? I have been trying to get my baby son of 3.5 weeks into the 2/4 week routine. The problems I am having are as follows: 1) We can follow the routine during the day and then problems start at night. 2) He has a brother and sister both age 2 and a half. It is very difficult to try and fit both routines in. 1) Feeding and routines: My son is exclusively breast fed. He is gaining plenty of weight, so I don’t think there are any problems with supply. For the past two…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding

    My 4-week-old baby wakes at 6am and then feeds and naps all morning My 4-week-old son normally wakes around 6am and it is impossible to get him to go back to sleep or even settle in his cot. He feeds at 6am for approx 10 minutes on the breast, then is happy to sit in his chair or play on his play mat for an hour. By 7am he is ready to feed again (approx 15 minutes). He will then generally doze for approx 30 minutes between 7.30 and 8.15am. After this nap he wants more feeding, once again a small amount (5 or 10 minutes). This pattern continues throughout…