Feeding FAQ: 8-12 weeks – Breast Feeding
At 8 weeks my son still is not managing the routine timings Having followed the CLB book since birth, I am delighted that my son is sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. He settles from 10.30pm to 6.30/7.00am. Now I need to make sure that anything I do to address the problems I am currently facing, don’t ruin his night-time sleep. If Callum wakes between 6 and 6.45am crying loudly, I tend to assume that it is hunger and feed him one side. I then settle him back until 7.30 when I offer him the second side. If he wakes at 6.30am and doesn’t finish feeding until 7.15am, should…
Feeding FAQ: 8-12 weeks – Breast Feeding
At 8 weeks old my daughter will not feed long enough at the breast During the day my 8-week-old daughter will not feed for long enough to keep her satisfied until the next feed. For the first few weeks she fell asleep after 10mins, then for the last couple of weeks she has been feeding for about 10mins then starting to struggle and jerk her head away, taking my nipple and stretching it (ouch), letting go, then frantically searching for it again, yelling if she can’t get it quickly enough, as if she’s ravenous. Then, after a swallow of milk, she wrenches her head away again, and so on, almost…
Feeding FAQ: 8-12 weeks – Breast Feeding
Due to my 11 week old’s reflux problems he is unable to stay on the routines My son was a very contented newborn. He fitted easily into the routines; breast-feeding went fine. At 4 weeks he started getting very upset: crying a lot, no dirty nappies for 48 hours, hysterical when lying down, vomiting profusely, dehydrated. We took him to the GP, and he spent 48 hours in hospital being monitored, tested, and was put on a drip; he was diagnosed with severe reflux. He’s had two follow-up appointments. He is now on Gaviscon, Ranitidine (0.45 ml thrice daily) and Domperidone (2.2ml thrice daily). He is much happier now; being…
Feeding FAQ: 8-12 weeks – Breast Feeding
How can I get my 9-week-old demand fed baby onto the routines? I have just been introduced to the CLB book and trying to put it into practice. Any tips for starting with a 9 week old baby? She goes to sleep after a feed between 7-8pm at the moment. She was sleeping until 3am but then started waking at 10-12.30pm, 3am then 6-7am. She feeds from one breast, but there is still milk remaining if I squeeze the breast. She is a very unhappy baby during the day; she is not content even after a feed and a fresh nappy. She cries a lot during the day. Should I…
Feeding FAQ: 8-12 weeks – Breast Feeding
My 8 week daughter only feeds for a short while at each feed so is feeding little and often I am experiencing great problems with the amount of time my 8 week daughter feeds for. She will feed for 5-10 minutes, then stops and refuses to take any more milk. We have ended up almost demand feeding. If my husband tries to feed her at 10.30pm she will only take 1.5-3ozs. She has started to demand a feed between 3-7 times during the night. Feeding for 5 minutes only, as she does not properly wake. It is impossible to wake her fully. I have tried all Gina’s suggestions, but my…
Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding
Should I change to first-stage formula when weaning my 8 week old? I tried to breastfeed but contracted mastitis twice which involved hospital stays in the first three weeks after Anna’s birth. Since then I have successfully been expressing milk and feeding her, but now need to wean her onto formula. I am aiming to get Anna formula fed by three months. I bought Anna formula for hungrier babies as I assumed her frequent feeding was due to a large appetite. I have since read on the website that expressed breast milk contains less hind milk and therefore babies drink more of it. I am now concerned that as I…
Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding
Express milk from day one? My first baby is due soon and I’m looking forward to using your routines. Should I begin expressing milk from day one? Expressing milk serves two purposes: it provides extra milk for when your baby goes through growth spurts at three weeks and six weeks. During the growth spurts you simply express less milk, automatically ensuring there is extra for your baby. Secondly, following my plan on p.52 of The New Contented Little Baby Book will tell you when to express in order to increase your milk supply, should it run low. After the birth you should follow the advice of your midwife and health…
Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding
How do I put a newborn on the feeding routines? Firstly, thank you very much for the New Year Greetings and the signed copy of The Complete Sleep guide which arrived yesterday. My baby is due next week and I have a couple of questions about feeding before using the routine for a baby at one week. What do I do from day one? Having read Chapter 3 of The New Contented Baby Book, you say that I need to feed for 5 minutes each side every three hours until my milk comes in. Around day 3-5 I should have increased the sucking time to 15-20 minutes and offer both…
Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding
How do I know if my 14 day son is having a growth spurt? I would like to know how I can tell if my baby is having a growth spurt. He is 14 days old and for the last 2 days seems to be feeding much more. He was 7lb 14oz at birth and did not lose any weight in the first 5 days, then after a further week he weighed 9lb, so is gaining rapidly. He is already following the 2-4 week routine, is breastfed apart from a bottle of formula at 10pm (where he has taken from 3-6oz – usually 4oz). If he is having a growth…
Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Breast Feeding
What do I do with expressed milk for my 11 day baby? I have an 11-day-old newborn and wondered what to do with the expressed milk. Is it fed to the baby or stored for emergencies? I have also noticed that my baby is sleeping well but not always needing the amount of time on the breast that you suggest and not always demanding the second breast. He tends to posset when overfed. He is a bit of a barracuda when feeding – latching on fiercely, sucking hard and fast for 10-15 minutes and then not wanting any more. My nipples are very sore. He is feeding at all the…