Feeding FAQ: 9-12 months – Weaning/Solids

My 9.5mth twins are beginning to refuse to eat their meals without distraction and every meal takes a long time. What should I do? I need your advice on a subject that I am really confused about. I am sure most of the mothers have this dilemma that I have. With my 9.5 month old […]

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Feeding FAQ: 9-12 months – Formula Feeding

When can we stop boiling water for our son? We want to know whether it is appropriate and safe to now give our nearly year old son ordinary un-boiled water in his drinks. He is now using beaker cups and bottles which are well washed without strict sterilization. Our tap drinking water is filtered with […]

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Feeding FAQ: 9-12 months – Formula Feeding

Is there anything I can do to increase my 10mth daughter’s fluid intake? My daughter is 10 months old and has very little interest in drinking fluids. However I have tried everything to increase her intake, but can’t get her to drink more than 10-11 oz a day. I have tried different teats, bottles and […]

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Feeding FAQ: 9-12 months – Breast Feeding

My 9-month-old son has never slept through the night and still has a feed My son has never really slept through the night. He is still waking once or twice a night, being breastfed once, some time between 3.30am and 6am. About a month ago we gave up trying to get him to sleep through […]

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Sleeping FAQ: 12-18 Months – Night Waking

Since illness my daughter of 1yr 1mth has been waking in the night. How do I get her back to sleeping through? My daughter has suffered with severe diarrhea for 15 days. The doctor said that this was caused by a virus. She stopped wanting to eat and I was advised to give her as […]

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Sleeping FAQ: 9-12 Months – Other

How can I keep my 10-month-old awake late once a week? I really need to know how to rearrange the routines for my 10-month-old baby. Once a week my hubby and I go to a religious meeting in the evening between 7-9pm. Normally the baby falls asleep on the way but as she’s getting older […]

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Sleeping FAQ: 9-12 Months – Daytime Sleep

My 10 month old wakes early and doesn’t always settle at lunchtime My son is now just over 10 months old and I am considering dropping his morning nap as he takes a while to settle, doesn’t always sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon and is often awake and playing at 6am. Would this […]

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