Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

My seven-week-old son takes a full feed at 5.20am, but is not hungry for his next feed My son follows the routines perfectly during the day and sleeps from the 10:30pm feed until 5:20am. But after taking 4oz at 5.20am, I try to top him up when he wakes again at 7am, but he refuses. […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

6-week-old Michael can’t last from his 6.15pm feed to his 10.30pm feed My 6-week-old baby, Michael, does not last from the 6:15pm feed to 10:30pm. He is formula fed and weighs 13lb 5oz. He will not settle at 7pm, even after feeding well during the day. He wakes up wanting a feed at 7:30 and […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

How can I structure my 4 week baby’s feeds to stop her large milk intake? Skye was born almost 4 weeks early weighing 6lbs 7ozs. I need help in structuring her feeds, and the resulting excessive consumption of milk for her weight. Is she able to go 4 hours at night time yet? At present […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

How can I get my 4 week baby to go longer at night between feeds? Zac will never settle after his 7pm feed. He falls asleep when exhausted, usually after hours of crying. Then, no matter how much he takes at the 10/11pm feed, or how much food and sleep he has had during the […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

I don’t know if my 7 week daughter is ready to go through the night yet Could you tell me if I am doing the right thing with Summer? She has been sleeping through from 11.30pm till 5am for five nights. One night whilst I was preparing her feed she fell back to sleep and […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

How do I move night feeds on and get my 3-week-old less awake at 2.30am? My 3-week-old daughter is waking at 2.30am and between 5am and 6am for feeds. This is regardless of what time we feed her at the late night feed, or how much she has taken. Her body clock seems stuck at […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

How do I get my 5-week-old to take more at 10.30pm? My little girl cannot seem to take a big enough feed at 10:30pm. Summary of milk intake during day : 7am 3ozs, 10.15am. 3.5ozs, 2.00pm 4.5ozs, 5/6.15pm 5.5ozs, 10.30pm 3ozs, anything from 2.45-3.45 2.5ozs. She only ever takes 2.5ozs at the 2.45-3.45a.m. feed and […]

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Feeding FAQ: 0-8 weeks – Formula Feeding

Should I go back to feeding my 6 week baby at 10.30pm? My six-week-old baby showed signs of mild reflux from birth. I tried Gaviscon Infant but noticed it had a laxative effect: he did not gain any weight at all during the 10 days he was on it, so now I thicken his formula […]

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