Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

Is home-cooked organic food better than use organic jars and packets? When I first started weaning my daughter at 4 months, I cooked and pureed all of her organic fruit and vegetables myself. However, as she is now over 6 months old, my husband wants to feed her solely on jars/packets of organic baby food […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

How do I wean a six-month-old? My baby boy, Tyler, will be six months old tomorrow. He was exclusively breast-fed until 24 weeks, at which point we started weaning, and my plan is to continue with breast-feeding. He has followed the contented baby routine from around 10 weeks, which suits him brilliantly, and he is […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

Is it best to steam food for pureeing? Just a quick question. When I’m preparing food for my baby, would it be better to steam the food to purée? If so, for how long? Should I use filtered water in the steamer or is it not necessary? Thank you Michelle Steaming your baby’s food is […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

How do I adapt the routine for giving solids at 6pm to 6 month twins? My twins are nearly 23 weeks so I am aware that I will need to introduce solids soon, despite them showing no real signs of being ready. How do I adapt the evening routine in the evening to accommodate two […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

What is the proper balance of milk and solids for my 6 month twins? I am just a little confused about what the balance of my twins boys’ milk/ solids should be, as they are being introduced to solids later. In the weaning book it starts at 4 months i.e. still offering the milk first […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

At 6 months I can’t seem to get my son interested in solids or taking formula I started to wean my son at 18 weeks and followed the CLB guidelines to the letter. By 20 weeks he just wasn’t bothered with solids at all. By 21 weeks he wouldn’t take them from me at all. […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

Why has my 6-month-old started waking at 10pm? I was hoping you could help, my daughter Keira is 6 months old and I have been following Gina’s routines since she was 4 weeks old. All of a sudden Keira has been waking up at around 10 to 11.30pm. Below you will find her daily routine. […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

My 7-month-old has suddenly become a fussy eater and won’t open her mouth I am an older mother (nearing 40) of a seven-month-old baby girl, and pregnant with our second child (in the first trimester). Our daughter, Cassidy, is generally a very happy baby, and has been a Gina baby all her life. Her sleep […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

Henry of 6.5 months refuses any savoury food unless it’s sweetened with apple puree Help. My son is 6 ½ months old, he weighs 18lb and is extremely happy and contented. My problem, I think, has been self inflicted, but I am desperate to get him back on track. I recently weaned Henry from breast […]

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Feeding FAQ: 6-9 months – Weaning/Solids

My 8-month-old is refusing solids Please help, I’m desperate! I’ve followed the routines since Ben was around one month old and we’ve not been doing too badly but for the last month, things have been going from bad to worse with feeding solids. He is now eight months old and has started to clamp his […]

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