Development FAQ: 24+ months – Starting Nursery
How can I get my 2.3-year-old son to stay without me at nursery? I am about to have my second child by C-section in two weeks. I have been trying to get my 2.3-year-old son to go to a playschool to help him socialise with other kids and to give me some breathing space. I thought he would be settled by now, but I’m afraid I’ve made a pigs ear of things and am starting to panic and getting myself very worked up. Initially I took my son with me to have a look at the school and we both took to it and its staff straight away. I have…
Development FAQ: 24+ months – Starting Nursery
My 3 year old daughter has been a very contented child. We have recently moved from London to Wales and placed her into a nursery full time. Previously she was cared for by a nanny and went to playgroup. Initially she enjoyed her nursery but she has been ill and now cries a great deal when there. Should I continue to console her endlessly or begin to be a bit firmer? In the past year she has also had to get used to a new sister [11mths now]. She will begin to attend school in the afternoons from September which is why we felt full time nursery would help. We…
Development FAQ: 24+ months – Starting Nursery
How will my daughter of 2yrs 5mths cope at pre-school when she will not follow directions at home? I am increasingly worried about my daughter who is 2yrs 5mths. She is due to star nursery school in a couple of months but I am wondering if she is really ready. I am trying to get her to follow directions at home such getting ready to go outside or to get ready for a meal, but she just seems unable to do this without me standing over her. She rarely will co operate even though I go at lengths to explain why she needs to get her coat on, or wash…
Development FAQ: 12-18 months – Starting Nursery
My son who is a year old is not settling into nursery well. This seems to be affecting his settling to sleep at home as well. My 1 year old son is very clingy to me and we are having some difficulties with nursery visits which are extremely distressing for all. I have always fed my son and put him to sleep so we anticipated some issues. I have allowed 6 weeks since starting visits at nursery to going back to work, but the initial few visits have been worse than I would ever have imagined and I would really appreciate some guidance on how we could maybe improve the…