• Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    In the past weeks my 17 month son has become fussy and is refusing some meals. My son, who is 17mths old used to be a very good eater but for the past 4 weeks he has become very fussy and refusing meals altogether. He goes to nursery Monday to Wednesday but always has breakfast at home with me which is usually Weetabix. He eats well at nursery – they have a snack at about 9am which will be fruit, toast or something similar, lunch at about 11.30 which will be proper cooked meal followed by dessert then about 3-3.30 he will have a light snack for tea which will…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    My 13 mth old has started to refuse food. I am not sure which strategy to use so he eats more. My son is 13 months old and has recently discovered how to point blank refuse food. He is happy with spoon feeding and is not particularly interested in feeding himself as he won’t eat any finger food I give him. He offered food at set times, breakfast at 7am, lunch at midday and tea at 5pm. I offer a mid morning and mid afternoon snack but he’s not usually interested and it ends up on the floor. So he should be hungry by the next mealtime but he refuses…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    My 13mth son has become a fussy feeder. How can I improve this? My son of 13mths will not eat protein. I have tried to disguise it by mincing and adding it to dishes. Since moving house one month ago he is refusing most foods and only accepting those he likes and knows. Previously he was an excellent feeder. I know can only get him to eat bread, rusks, cereal, lentil soup and apple. I am keeping meal times happy, trying lots of finger foods and different recipes but we seem to be getting no where. Could you suggest some ideas? Should I reduce his breakfast? At present he takes…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    My 13mth son eats well but only when he is distracted which make mealtimes long and stressful. My 13 month old has always eaten what I have cooked. He doesn’t have a problem with new tastes or foods but he has a serious problem with eating without being distracted. As soon as he has had a couple of mouthfuls he turns away, moans and reaches out in the other direction. If we get to touch his lip with the spoon he will open his mouth and eat it but this doesn’t last long so we resort to all sorts of toys as distractions. As soon as he is distracted he…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    Should I be concerned about my 17mth old son who does not want to eat? Is it just a phase and problems with teething? Can you advise me when I should start worrying that my 17month old son isn’t eating anything? I have read the FAQ’s and fussiness is obviously a common problem at this age but he seems to be eating even less than the other children featured. Also, his milk consumption is very low – between 5-10 ozs a day. A molar has come through very recently, which probably caused him some discomfort, but this has been going on for about four weeks now. It’s not that he’s…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    My son of 1yr has lost interest in his breakfast and needs coaxing to eat all his meals. My little boy has completely gone off breakfast. I understand this is a natural stage of development but he eats so reluctantly with lots of coaxing and then gets hungry and upset midmorning so I give him a small snack which then affects his appetite for lunch. I have tried lots of different cereals, most of which he used to enjoy. He seems to enjoy the more “grown up” ones such as Rice Krispies, mainly as his Dad has them I think. However he doesn’t have anywhere near your recommended 50g, it’s…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 12-18 months – Food Fads/Fussiness

    his may not sound like a problem, but my son doesn’t like potatoes in any form! It’s hard doing dinner, as potatoes go well with most things, like stew, roast, sausages and chicken.I have tried mash, roast, boiled, oven-baked chips and jacket potatoes, but he doesn’t like them in any form. What can I give instead? I need something to satisfy him, as the main things he eats are vegetables (broccoli, peas, cauliflower, sweet corn) and meat. He isn’t particularly fond of pasta, and you can only give so much before it’s boring! Besides, plain pasta is awful. Thanks for your help. You have had a frustrating time trying to…