• Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Other Advice

    Could I manage a new puppy along with my 7-month-old? We have just moved to a house in the countryside. Our neighbours have offered us a puppy from their forthcoming litter which we are thrilled about, as I long for a dog. Our son Tom is 7 months now and is a happy, contented baby. He is still not yet mobile in any way, spending much of his time on a play mat on the kitchen floor. Are we taking on too much to consider having a puppy in the house in about two months? What are the problems we might face as Tom becomes more mobile? Having a puppy…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Other Advice

    What are the dangers of rough play with a 10-month-old? What are the dangers of rough play with a ten-month-old? My husband likes to play with James in a very physical way, which leaves me unable to watch. I have told him of the dangers of flipping James’ neck too much, but James seems to love it and will cling to his father’s legs begging for more. Is rough play just a father/son thing? There are some dangers in rough play with babies, but if both baby and father enjoy such times then, given a few guidelines, there is no reason to stop your husband. In fact, babies and small…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Behaviour

    My 8.5mth daughter has started to become very clingy to me despite going to nursery twice a week My 8.5mth daughter has just started to become very clingy towards me. If she knows I am in the room she will whinge until I pick her up but isn’t a cuddly baby. She loved sitting with her dad when he gets home from work whilst I go into the kitchen to prepare dinner but this past week she has screamed as soon as I walk out of the lounge. Also, my husband takes her to bed and always brings her into the kitchen to say goodnight. She has also just started…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Behaviour

    My daughter of 6mths screams whenever we go into shops. What can I do? My baby hates any sort of shops. She is fine in the pram out and about but really screams in any shop. The supermarket was the first place, so I tried the supermarket with the pram but that still didn’t help. I always make she that she has had a good sleep before we go anywhere from home but this still doesn’t help. It makes my day very boring as I can’t go anywhere. She also seems grumpier when at other people’s houses; she can cry all the time I am there and be perfectly content…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Behaviour

    What should I be doing to help my 11mth son who has had a few changes recently and is far less settled? My son was previously a perfect Gina baby, sleeping well for all naps and eating well. We moved house 2 months ago, I started work 1 month ago. My son started to become more unsettled. Now he always wakes crying and screaming whereas he used to chatter in his cot. He jumps up and down in cot in anger until we pick him up. Usually we control cry for at least 45mins in morning. We never bring him out of cot before 6.30am which is a fine time…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Behaviour

    At 8.5 months old my son is crawling fast and into everything Although I was excited when my son began to crawl at 7.5 months, I had no idea how much chaos he would begin to cause. I seem to be constantly tidying up and putting back the books and videos he pulls from the lower shelves. I don’t want to keep saying no to him but the house always seems to look a mess and it really gets me down at times. How do I balance his need for freedom and my need for some domestic order? Once a baby learns to crawl it is quite amazing to see…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Learning

    What type of toys should I give my 9-month-old baby ? What toys should my 9 month old be playing with? We have a basket full of rattles and soft-shaped contrast toys which I think she is bored with now. I look in the shops and think most things look either too difficult or too easy for her. How do I know if a toy will help her development? Should I look for toys marked with her age now or for a few months time? Can you give me an idea of how I should play with her? To a nine month old everything she handles is a toy. Watch…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Other Advice

    How do we manage to stay with relatives with our 11-month-old daughter? In July, when Jessie will be 11 months we have been to asked to stay with my husbands aunt and uncle. They have never had children so I am very apprehensive about how we will manage with a crawler in their house. The house is quite large and is full of antiques, both furniture and china. Many of the floors are flag stoned with rugs over them, the stairs are steep and twisty. In all, it is not really a child-friendly environment. What could I take with me to help me “child proof ” it a little and…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Other Advice

    How do I adjust the routines to help my 8mth son adapt to his new nursery? My son is due to start nursery in 2 weeks time and I would appreciate your advice on how I adapt his routine to fit in with the 3 days he will go to nursery. I am going to get him used to nursery over a 6 week period before I go back to work by leaving him gradually more and more. My concerns however are around how he will eat and sleep there. He has been an amazing ‘contented baby’ and fitted in with the routines from 5 weeks old and at 4…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 6-12 months – Other Advice

    Have you any advice for potty training when using cloth nappies? My daughter has been on Gina’s routines since birth – they have worked brilliantly – thank you. Although she is only 8-months-old, I have a copy of Gina’s potty training book and have glanced through it. Does Gina have any special advice to give to someone, like myself, who uses cloth nappies as opposed to disposables? The only difference that you might notice is your daughter’s awareness of being wet and dirty. With cloth nappies this may start earlier, especially with wet ones; than with a toddler in disposables which draw the moisture away from the skin. Although your…