• Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    I’ve just started weaning 4 month Abigail and she won’t eat anything but pear I have just started to wean Abigail (I started 7 days ago), but I can’t get her to eat anything but pear. She will eat baby rice only with pear in it. I’ve tried her with carrot, but she won’t eat it. How do I get her to eat vegetables? I’ve read the case study in the weaning book, but I can’t even get Abi to eat baby rice on its own, so I can’t follow the advice in the case study. I have a 3 year old who is a fussy feeder and has a…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    At what age should I wean my five-month-old twins who were born prematurely? My twin girls will be six months old at the end of this month, but since they were born two months prematurely, I’m not sure when to start weaning. They weigh around 6.5-7kg at the moment and their daily milk intake is around 700-750ml. I know it is less than the required amount according to their weight, but they seem to be gaining at a steady rate. At the moment they consider a full feed to be 150ml, which they take five times a day. Should I wait to start weaning them until they are capable of…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    I am concerned my 5 month daughter will start to wake up in the night, as her milk intake has been going down since starting nursery. My daughter, who is just over five months and weighs 5.8 kilos, has just started day care. She seems happy there, but her routine is not always followed, and her milk intake is going down. I am planning to introduce solids this weekend, which means we will probably take out the 10pm feed. My main fear is that she won’t sleep through the night once I do that, because of not eating or napping well at nursery. My other concern is how will she…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    Why does Gina advise introducing first solids at the 11am feed? Many of my friends who have weaned their babies started doing so after the first feed in the morning or after the 2/2.30 pm feed? To establish a healthy pattern of three solid meals a day, it is important that milk and solids are structured so that the baby gets the right balance of milk and solids during the first year. Aiming for mealtimes at around 7.30am, 12noon and 5pm will ensure that this happens and that milk feeds are not reduced too quickly. By offering first solids after the 11am milk feed, it is easier to gradually push…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    Am I overfeeding my 5-month-old baby? I am concerned that I am overfeeding my five-month-old daughter. I was been advised to start her on solids, but am getting confused about how much I should feed her and when. She is eating about two tablespoonfuls of vegetables and fruit twice a day. She weighs over fifteen pounds and still wakes for a breastfeed twice a night. It is recommended that the babies are not given solids until they reach six months. However, as you have been advised to introduce solids before that, it is important that you ensure that your baby still receives a minimum of four to five full breast…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    What’s the right consistency for baby rice? I have a question regarding the preparation of pure organic baby rice, as suggested in Gina’s book The Little Contented Baby Book of Weaning. I live in Denmark and here you can only purchase pure organic baby flour, which you then prepare yourself. On the package it is stated, that you should prepare ½ a dl. of flour with 3 dl. of rice flour. This result is a smooth mixture. However, if I then wish to add some expressed milk in the mixture, the package suggests that I add as much milk as water, which means 3dl. The result is very watery –…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    I’ve introduced baby rice and would like to drop the 4am feed for my 5 month baby My daughter is 5 months old with a brother of nearly six years. She weighed 2.1kilos at birth and now weighs 7 kilos. She has always been fed by bottle as she was in an incubator for a month and initially tube-fed. As breast feeding was not possible I used a breast pump and she was exclusively bottle-fed my breast milk from day one till she was ten weeks old when we switched to formula. The formula was a premature baby formula (as advised by hospital) but is now Similac Advance (we don’t…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    My son is 19 weeks and has suddenly and drastically reduced his milk intake My 19-week old son sleeps well at night (from about 8pm to 7am), although I have to wake him and give him a full feed at 10-11pm. The problem is that up until three weeks ago he was taking 6-7 oz at each of his five milk feeds. However, over the space of about five days, he began to take less and less, and was down to about 2-4 oz from each bottle, except the last one at night which he usually finished. Nothing seemed to work to get him to drink his milk again –…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    Is twenty weeks too early to introduce protein? I just wondered if there is anyone there who can give advice on starting protein. I weaned my very large son (9.9lb at birth, and 14.5lb at 8 weeks!) early. We started on Gina’s weaning guide at 13 weeks rather than 4 months as he was going spare, waking all time and draining 12oz at a time and still screaming. However, as such he is now 20 weeks and is at the end of the 5 month meal planner (ie. 3 spoons of cereal with 2 cubes of fruit for breakfast; 5 or 6 cubes at lunch; and 5/6 rice plus fruit…

  • Feeding FAQ

    Feeding FAQ: 4-6 months – Weaning

    Although I weaned Jack at 17 weeks, he still wakes for milk in the night My son weighs 15lb 10oz. He has been formula-fed since the age of 16 weeks and l started weaning at 17 weeks. Jack has never slept through the night. He wakes between 3-4am and l usually give him a 3oz bottle which he drinks in about 20 seconds! I still wake him between 10-10.30pm and he drinks 6-8 oz. I am following the Weaning book to the letter and have not experienced any problems with any of the foods Gina recommends. I am reducing the amount of daytime milk as per Gina’s guidelines ie: only…