Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
Is my daughter of 15 weeks having enough milk in the day for hunger not to be the reason for her early mornings? I am struggling to get my 15 week old daughter to take more milk during the day. I might be wrong but I think that she is waking early morning genuinely needing to feed. She has never slept through from 10/11pm. About a month ago she was waking as early as 2:30am, but then I was still breastfeeding and knew that I had problems with my milk supply. I was already topping her up with formula. Since she’s now fully formula fed I have noticed her intake…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
Is there a way to push my 16 week daughter’s morning feed onto 11am? My daughter is 16 weeks old and I am struggling to get her to stretch her 10.30am feed closer to 11am. I am convinced this is due to the fact that she only takes a very small feed at 7/7.30am. I have tried some of the suggestions on the website such as holding off until 7.30/8.00am to feed her, but she will still only take a very small feed (4oz) and even then she doesn’t take it all in one go. She already only takes a small amount of milk at 10.30pm and I am worried…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
My 16 week twins were three weeks early and have slept an eight-hour stretch at night since they were eight weeks old My twins were three weeks early and have slept an eight-hour stretch at night since they were eight weeks old. They seem to need a lot of sleep during the day and as long morning and afternoon naps keep them cheerful (they\’re very grumpy without them) without interfering with their night-time sleep I have kept them long. Now they are 16 weeks I am hoping to drop the 10pm feed, but am not sure how to tell if they’re ready. For several nights they have gone through to…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
My 13 week daughter still needs a small feed at 4am My daughter is thirteen weeks old and still not sleeping through the night. She wakes around 4am each night. In addition she will not sleep more than 45 minutes at lunchtime despite trying all the methods in the CLB book.We have reduced her 4am feed to just 3ozs [1/2 water and ½ formula] as she refuses to drink water at any time of the day. For two weeks I increased her milk intake during the day but she still woke at night and she out on 22ozs in a fortnight. She started being sick a lot [she suffers from…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
My 3.5mth son is doing well on the routines except I cannot get him to sleep beyond 6am Since I started my son on the routines, he has been brilliant. He sleeps beautifully at all the times he should and we have recently cracked the ‘waking after 45 minute problem’ at lunchtime and he now sleeps well for 2 hours. He still wants about 30 minutes in the afternoon too usually from 4-4.30. He is so tired after his bath that I just cannot keep him awake until 7pm, so he is normally in bed by about 6.40-6.45pm. If I don’t put him down, he just falls asleep either in…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Formula Feeding
My 3.5mth daughter has started to wake at 4am. Should I re introduce the 10pm feed? My 3.5 month old daughter has been following the CLB routines for 3 months with varying degrees of success. The present problem is that she is waking at 4 in the morning and not able to settle herself back to sleep. I dropped the 10 pm feed at about 2.5 months as she was sleeping well from 7 pm through until 6.30am, this was fine for a while but now I feel that I dropped it too soon. I have tried to reintroduce the 10 pm feed but it leaves her very unsettled and…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Breast Feeding
What is the best way to drop feeds for my 3 month baby without becoming engorged? I want to avoid painful, engorged breasts when I begin to stop breastfeeding, which I plan to do when Leo is around 4mths old (he is 3mths now). With my first child it took a long 2 or 3 months to give up, as I tried to drop feeds and only express a little to give relief. Leo has just started to go through the night and I am finding it painful just dropping this feed. I don’t want to start expressing milk in the night, but I am awake with pain in the…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Breast Feeding
My 3 month daughter’s weight gain is low, she feeds less, and does not like a bottle My 3-month-old daughter has been on Gina’s schedule since 2 weeks. She is generally a contented baby and sleeps well. I have 2 problems: the first relates to her low weight gain at about 4.7oz per week. She rarely seems hungry – even after sleeping through from 11pm to 6.30am. Since 12 weeks, she’s beginning to take shorter feeds on the breast (10mins) rather than in the past when it was closer to 15-20mins. She often seems uncomfortable and fussy during the feed (after 5 minutes) I have tried splitting the feed as…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Breast Feeding
What can I do to get my milk supply back for my 3-month-old? I think I am running out of milk. The past 2 nights at 10pm I have expressed and got less than 1 oz; I usually would get 4-9oz. I started to follow the increased supply routine yesterday; when I expressed at 2pm today I only managed barely 1oz, and when I had fed her she was still hungry. Initially I thought the problem was only there at the end of the day – until now. I have expressed since she was born so I know what to do and usually have no problems. My health visitor told…
Feeding FAQ: 3-4 months – Breast Feeding
How can I get my 15-week-old baby to take more milk? I am finding it difficult to get my daughter to feed more at each feed. She only drinks 2-3ozs at each feed, occasionally 4ozs if she really wants it. Her weight gain is dropping slowly. At present she weights 12lbs 2oz.The health visitor has advised me to demand feed her for a couple of days, but it has been terrible. She is very agitated at each feed and takes her time. I never know if she is really hungry this way or just distressed. On the routine she fed every 3-4 hrs, but would only have a small amount.…