• Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Potty Training

    When we go out during potty training, do you advise using pull-up nappies? No – it’s tempting to use these because they are similar to pants but to your child they will seem like a nappy again. It will confuse him and potty training will take much longer. The absorbency of the pull-ups means your child will be less aware of when he is wet. Try to plan potty training when you can just be at home. It seems restricting but one week staying home near the potty will ensure you and your child succeed and you can then go out and about as normal, taking the potty with you…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Potty Training

    My son is nearly three and has been using the big toilet for quite a while now. I’ve been trying to get him to stand up and wee but he only wants to do it sitting down. What can I do? You might have more success if daddy shows him how this is done. If he’s been watching only you he could be confused. When he’s with other boys at nursery school or during visits, encourage him to watch them wee standing up and make a big fuss of him being grown up. You might need to put a small step by the loo so he can reach and aim…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Potty Training

    My son was quickly and easily potty trained at 2 years and 8 months. I’d like to get him out of nappies at night-time but they seem to be sodden in the morning when he gets up. How long will this go on for? It sounds as if he might be drinking too much in the evening. Try to give him his biggest drink before 6pm with a small drink before bedtime if needed, so he can have a final wee before going to bed. If he still has a lunchtime sleep, keep him in nappies until you find they are consistently dry for two weeks. Tackle this first. I…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Potty Training

    My daughter is two and a half and is showing all the signs of being ready to potty train. I’m very keen to do it. I work three days a week and my mother looks after Emily. I have heard my mother telling Emily how horrid and disgusting her dirty nappies are and I think Emily has become anxious now as she often cries when she has done a poo. Your mother’s generation tended to potty train much sooner than your generation. This was because terry nappies were much more of an ordeal to clean that our modern, disposable nappies. Possibly your mum thinks Emily should have been out of…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Potty Training

    My son is 2 years and 3 months and seems ready to potty train. I’m expecting a new baby in a few weeks’ time. Should I try to potty train before the baby arrives? The arrival of a new baby is one of the biggest upheavals possible in a toddler’s life and it could affect his behaviour in any number of ways. I would advise you forget about potty training for a little while and focus on helping your son adjust to his new brother or sister. It would be worse for him to be trained now and then possibly regress and need nappies again. This would feel like a…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Other

    Teeth Grinding: My little boy, who is just three, started nursery in September, and although he is quite shy and has never spent much time apart from me before, he has adapted really well. He goes to school readily, and seems to be making friends and settling in. His teachers tell me that he is quiet but always participates in play and doesn’t appear to have any concerns. However about six weeks ago he began to grind his teeth while he slept. It happened once or twice in the first week, but now he grinds his teeth most nights. My husband and I are concerned since we have read that…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Other

    Night time waking at 25mths. Is it due to recent potty training or new baby brother? My 25 month old toddler has always been an excellent sleeper. Luca slept from 7-7 since he was 11 weeks old, with a 1-3 pm nap after lunch. He attends nursery from 9-5 each day which he loves. Since his baby brother arrived 4 months ago, he has had sleep difficulties. This problem has only occurred occasionally until this week when he has had difficulties sleeping every night. We began potty training 7 days ago and it has been a huge success. However, the nights are disturbed for the whole family as he will…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Other

    Up until recently, my three-year-old daughter has always gone to bed very happily. However, over the last few weeks, things have suddenly changed and she becomes very anxious and tearful as soon as we say it is time to turn the light out and go to sleep. She cries and clings to me or my husband, saying that the monsters will come if she is on her own in the dark, and we have resorted to lying in bed with her, with the light on, until she falls asleep. I know this is a bad habit to have got into, but when we leave the room she starts to become…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Starting Nursery

    How can I get my 2.3-year-old son to stay without me at nursery? I am about to have my second child by C-section in two weeks. I have been trying to get my 2.3-year-old son to go to a playschool to help him socialise with other kids and to give me some breathing space. I thought he would be settled by now, but I’m afraid I’ve made a pigs ear of things and am starting to panic and getting myself very worked up. Initially I took my son with me to have a look at the school and we both took to it and its staff straight away. I have…

  • Development FAQ

    Development FAQ: 24+ months – Starting Nursery

    My 3 year old daughter has been a very contented child. We have recently moved from London to Wales and placed her into a nursery full time. Previously she was cared for by a nanny and went to playgroup. Initially she enjoyed her nursery but she has been ill and now cries a great deal when there. Should I continue to console her endlessly or begin to be a bit firmer? In the past year she has also had to get used to a new sister [11mths now]. She will begin to attend school in the afternoons from September which is why we felt full time nursery would help. We…