Sleeping FAQ: 9-12 months – Night Waking

My 9-month-old baby is not sleeping at night – she wants milk We are having problems with our 9-month-old girl, Molly, and her sleep routine (or lack of!). We have two boys aged 3 & 6 who weren’t great sleepers either. Molly was born at 7½ lbs and has maintained a healthy weight gain since […]

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Sleeping FAQ: 9-12 months – Night Waking

9-month-old Megan’s reflux wakes her at 4am every night without fail Hi! I am desperate for a full night’s sleep. We have 2 girls – Ella, 21 months and Megan, 9 months. Ella has pretty much always slept through (except when there is a full moon!) Megan is a different story. At seven months she […]

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Sleeping FAQ: 9-12 months – Night Waking

Teething seems to be causing night waking My problem is night waking. My son was a good sleeper (12-13 hours a night) up to the age of seven months when he began teething. He is now nine months old. He has never been a good daytime sleeper and I have always struggled to get him […]

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